Post Summer Uncertainty? 6 Tips for Coping with Lingering COVID Concerns

Two weeks to flatten the curve. Here we are, about 20 months later with lingering Covid concerns. We’re headed into another fall, another winter, and another holiday season. Meanwhile, the country still feels divided. There are shortages of many products. Positive Covid tests continue to happen. Virtually nothing feels settled.

The fallout from so many chronic stressors is immense. Our mental and physical health feel under 24/7 attack. What can we do to cope with all of this? Fortunately, there are basic, essential steps we all can take. Read on for a list of self-help suggestions to help ease your burden.

6 Tips for Coping with Lingering Covid Concerns

1. Take Regular Tech Breaks

Nothing will cause Covid concerns to multiply like the media. It could be social media. It could be the mainstream media. Either way, their goal is to catch your attention and keep it. This leads to sensational clickbait headlines that will escalate your anxiety. Step away from your devices. Schedule regular tech breaks throughout the day to relax and re-set your mind.

2. Stay Connected With Loved Ones

When overwhelmed, there is often a tendency to withdraw. Resist this urge. You need social contact with trusted friends and family members. In-person or otherwise, do not lose contact with the people who can bring you love and comfort. Pro tip: Try to NOT talk about Covid with them all the time.

3. Assess the Real Risks in Your Life

As touched on in #1 above, it’s not easy to discern where the real dangers lie. Take time to educate yourself. Assess the risks. Most likely, you will realize you have fewer concerns than you have been led to believe. This is not permission to take foolish risks. Rather, it’s an invitation to take responsibility for your own well-being.

4. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Breaking news: Not everything is bad. We all have things to be grateful for. Why not keep track of those blessings? The act of writing down these events is calming. Keep a journal you can refer to when you’re feeling stressed, scared, or down.

5. Help Others

Nothing can clear your mind like altruism. Find ways to help others — humans and non-human. Giving to those in need is a powerful way to redirect your energy in a positive direction. When performing your good deeds, you will create plenty of new entries for your gratitude journal (see #4 above).

6. Practice Self-Care

This is a fundamental step. Each day, you must set aside time to care for yourself. Create a self-care regimen and stick to it. Here are just a few of the elements to include in your daily program:

  • Healthy eating choices

  • Regular sleep patterns

  • Exercise and physical activity

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Quality social time

  • Quality solo time

It may feel like the world, the media, the politicians, etc. are not looking out for you lately. Counter this will self-love on a day-to-day basis.

When It All Feels Like Too Much

Coping in the age of Covid is easier said than done. All of the above self-help suggestions are essential. Unfortunately, they may not be enough. For such relentless stress, it might be necessary to talk to a professional. Committing to therapy could be the ideal way for you to find some peace.

Your regular sessions are where you express your emotions. You can dig deep to discover underlying causes. Also, you and your therapist will work to discover any self-sabotaging patterns. From there, you are well-positioned to create new approaches and healthy coping mechanisms. If lingering Covid concerns have you feeling worn down, reach out today. Let’s get you on the path to recovery with a free and confidential consultation.